
    • 대회기간 2022년 9월 23일(금) ~ 25일(일) / 3일간
    • 대회장소 부산광역시 수영구 광안리 SUPrise 해변
    • 참가인원 54개국 1,000명
    • 주최 APP World Tour
    • 주관 KAPP(사단법인 대한 패들서프 프로협회)
    경쟁부문 : 청소년, 아마추어, 프로
    - Sprint Race 300m
    - Distance Race 10km / 6km / 1km
    - SUP 체험 이벤트
    - SUP 요가 클래스 / 피트니스 클래스
    - SUP 문라이트 투어 등
    - Nautical Mile 1.8km / 팀 릴레이(6인 1팀, 1인 300m)
    - Paddle for the Oceans 3.5km (해양환경보호 이벤트)
    Busan Korean Announcement
    The Korean Association of Paddlesurf Professionals offers two amateur athletes the opportunity to participate in the APP World Tour
    • 작성일2023/06/19 15:01
    • 조회 99


    The KAPP (Korean Association of Paddlesurf Professionals) invites two amateur athletes to participate in the ‘2023 APP WORLD TOUR VIANA SUP OPEN’ in Portugal, where the APP (Association of Paddlesurf Professionals) headquarters is located.

    The two selected athletes are Joel Han, a 6th grader at Hwabuk Elementary School, and Yeoun Park, a 2nd grader at Yeoju Girls’ Middle School. Both were selected following their participation in the various events and competitions hosted and organized by the KAPP in 2022 and 2023 such as the last KAPP Asian Championship in Seoul.

    Since 2010, the APP WORLD TOUR has been touring major cities around the world and this year will see the first APP WORLD TOUR event held in Portugal from July 14th-16th, the Viana SUP Open, in Viana Do Castelo, in the north west part of the country.

    On top of providing opportunities to participate in various race events, the KAPP will provide the two selected amateur athletes all expenses for airfare and accommodation.

    KAPP’s CEO Park Sang-Hyun said “the VIANA SUP OPEN will provide the best experience and opportunity to compete with international athletes and check the skills of top rankers in stand-up paddle boarding from all over the world. The KAPP will continue to promote various events necessary for the expansion and development of SUP in Korea, and will try to select athletes who participate with passion every year and provide them the experience of competing around the world.”

    Meanwhile, the APP WORLD TOUR BUSAN SUP OPEN, hosted by the KAPP and the APP and organized by the KAPP and the Suyeong-gu district in Busan, is the second international SUP competition held this year, and will be held at Gwangalli Beach in Busan for three days from October 7th to 9th.


    Link to the article (in Korean)

    KAPP, '패들서프 월드투어' 아마추어 선수 2명 출전 < 스포츠일반 < 스포츠일반 < 스포츠 < 기사본문 - 스포츠한국 (hankooki.com)